During the production of the e-learning module, the focus was on editing the recorded screencast videos and animating highlights, speech bubbles, text elements and mouse movements. By editing the videos in a targeted manner, the operating elements and functions of the Landakademie platform were highlighted and explained in an understandable way.
The e-learning module was divided into different sections covering each step of the course navigation. Each video was carefully constructed to guide users step-by-step through the platform and familiarize them with the various functions.
Das e-Learningmodul wurde in verschiedene Abschnitte unterteilt, die die einzelnen Schritte der Kursnavigation abdecken. Jedes Video wurde sorgfältig aufgebaut, um die NutzerInnen schrittweise durch die Plattform zu führen und sie mit den verschiedenen Funktionen vertraut zu machen.

Fewer service requests
The e-learning module for course navigation has been successfully integrated into the Landakademie platform and is available to new users. Thanks to the clear and user-friendly explanations in the screencast videos, users can quickly familiarize themselves with the platform and use the learning content effectively.
The e-learning module has helped to improve the user experience of the Landakademie platform and increase user satisfaction. The clear and comprehensible presentation of the course navigation reduces potential barriers to using the platform, which leads to greater willingness to use it and user loyalty.