Animated explanatory videos on etymology

The aim of the project was to design, animate and produce a series of explanatory videos dealing with the diverse etymology of everyday German terms such as “quarantine”, “raid” or the origin of “spinach”. The target group was both children and adults who want to broaden their understanding of historical contexts.

animierte dokus woerter im wandel twm 11 quarantine-min
animierte dokus woerter im wandel twm 09 quarantäne-min

Links to the Videos

The story of the raid

An insight into the exciting history of the term “raid” or “razzia” on its journey from the Arabian Peninsula to Europe.

The origins of spinach

The second short documentary in the “Words in Transition” series focuses on a green herb: spinach.

Origin of the term "quarantine"

Where does the term “quarantine”, which has such far-reaching consequences for our lives, come from? Join us on a search for the origin of the word in the Middle Ages.

Aryabhata - Animated biography

In this short documentary in English, we have shed light on the life and discoveries of the famous scientist from India, Aryabhata.

We produce animated explainer videos.
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