Image Film Production
Inspired by Taiga Naturkost’s commitment to nature-inspired living, our creative approach focused on capturing the beauty of natural landscapes, the freshness of organic produce and the joy of healthy cooking. Our aim was to create an emotional connection with the audience and take them on a journey through the company’s history.

Project scope
1. Concept & Script
Brainstorming sessions were held to develop creative concepts that effectively conveyed Taiga Naturkost’s brand values and product range.
Created a compelling script that served as the narrative foundation of the corporate video, focusing on the healthy living journey and Taiga Naturkost’s role in promoting it.
2. Production
Utilizing state-of-the-art technology and leveraging our team’s expertise in cinematography to launch a full production stage and capture stunning visuals that bring the script to life.
3. Postproduction
Through meticulous editing, animation of intros and outros, and visual effects, we transformed raw footage into a polished image film that leaves a lasting impression on viewers.
4. Handover
The image film is used by Taiga Naturkost primarily at trade fairs and other sales events to visually underline the company’s image.